Volume titles and their origin

All the different volume titles are passages from books that I happened to be reading during the preparation of a particular volume with the exception of TWC 1 & 2, and a further exception, the TWC 20 title is derived from a lyric in a track by Bright Eyes. I have also included links through to amazon.co.uk just in case you're interested in purchasing.

  1. the whelk collection - manchester via paris
  2. twc 2 - inspiration and laziness
  3. full of noise and stones - the hobbit - j r r tolekin
  4. amid the hemlocks - the lord of the rings - j r r tolkein
  5. to other worlds again - gormenghast - mervyn peake
  6. in which she was dead and a princess - our lady of the flowers - jean genet
  7. ibid - generic art history text books
  8. what the garden says - venus and tannhauser - aubrey beardsley
  9. yellow red - petersburg - andrei bely
  10. through a city of threaded glass that he will soon destroy - the age of reason - jean paul sartre
  11. tales of two cities (sic) - a tale of two cities - charles dickens
  12. vagrancy and the world -the age of reason - jean paul sartre (again)
  13. suspended between sky and sea - the island of the day before - umberto eco
  14. addendum - generic book additions
  15. the last of the sevilles - human croquet - kate atkinson
  16. am i my name - miss smilla's feeling for snow - peter høeg
  17. splayed - the gabriel club - joydeep roy-bhattacharya
  18. this is how we live - be faithful unto death - zsigmond moricz
  19. tales of the ring and camp - the croxley master: and other tales of the ring and camp - arthur conan doyle
  20. i always get lost when i leave the village - train underwater - bright eyes